Every Day Science

The study of how plants and animals interact with one another in the non-living envirement is called

A:  Ecosytem
B:  Sociology
C:  Ecology
D:  Habitate


Every Day Science

Water loss from the leaves through stomata is called

A:  Evaporation
B:  Transpiration
C:  Evapo-Transpiration
D:  Respiration


Every Day Science

As per their eating habit, squirrels are

A:  Frugivorous
B:  Herbivorous
C:  Carnivorous
D:  Omnivorous


Every Day Science

Plants growing on other plants are called

A:  Saprophytes
B:  Parasites
C:  Epiphytes
D:  Pathogens


Every Day Science

One of the fundamental characteristic of living oraganisms is called

A:  Photosynthesis
B:  Digestion
C:  Excretion
D:  Metabolism


Every Day Science

To measure the specific gravity of milk the instrument used is

A:  Hygrometer
B:  Barometer
C:  Lactometer
D:  Hydrometer


Every Day Science

Deficiency of vitamin C in the human body causes a disease called

A:  Beriberi
B:  Night blindness
C:  Rickets
D:  Scurvy


Every Day Science

Man belongs to the family

A:  Felidae
B:  Hominidae
C:  Mammalia
D:  Primataceae


Every Day Science

In a DNA molecule the rule for base pairing is

A:  Adenine  always bound with thymine and cytosine bound with guanine
B:   Adenine always bound with cytosine and thymine bound with guanine
C:  Adenine always bound with guanine and cytosine bound with thymine
D:  Adenine always bound with uracil and cytosine bound with guanine


Every Day Science

The structure of DNA was elaborated by Watson and Crick in

A:  1909
B:  1923
C:  1945
D:  1953